‘Words retain vibrational information’
– Marasu Emoto
…and so do thoughts and intentions!
Neuro (Neurology)
How we use our neurology (thinking) to construct (program) our reality of the world; using feedback from *all our senses to give meaning and make sense of the world and how that thinking influences how we represent our past, present and future experiences…
*(Visual (seeing), Auditory (hearing), Kinaesthetic (feelings), Olfactory (smell), Gustatory Taste))
Linguistic (Communicating)
How we communicate the meaning we have placed on our experiences from our past memories, present realities and our future possibilities to ourselves and others…
Programming (meaning and thinking)
NLP is holistic, person-centred and self solution focused because the practitioner coaches the client to explore all their sensory and neurological feedback and this enables them to explore their problems from a bigger perspective; hearing more options and feeling empowered to search for and find more possible ways to achieve their intended immediate goals and long term life outcomes. This often transforms their life into a more positive and fulfilling adventure. Additionally, because all the feedback and possible options are coming from within themselves, the client is more likely to achieve their goals and desired life outcomes.
The ‘sensory and neurological feedback’ comes from the client’s vision, hearing, feelings (internal and external), taste and smell as well as
all three neurological minds;
the head (cognitive),
the heart (emotional)
the gut (instinctive) – we have neurons in all these three areas;
from the body (the somatic nervous system – via voluntary and involuntary feedback and body movement, often in response to music or to express a representation of an emotional state);
and what is described in NLP as the ‘Field Mind’ which is the ‘energy field.’ You may notice and experience this when entering a room and ‘feeling’ the atmosphere or the ‘collective energy’ created in a room from the peoples’ interactions, thoughts and behaviours.
When you experience thinking, seeing, feeling, hearing, tasting and smelling your world using the structures, techniques, attitude, methodology and models of excellence from NLP, you can:
- understand, change and control your physical, emotional and mental states (e.g. from anxiety to calm);
- find and replace/change behaviours you don’t want and generate new behaviours you do want;
- change disliking something to liking it and liking something to disliking it;
- discover and change limiting beliefs;
- find the triggers which create unwanted states and behaviours and change the behaviours which are un-resourceful for you into more resourceful behaviours;
- explore a desired outcome (goals/targets/ideas/dreams) to see if it is well-formed (well thought through) and explore the effects of it on everyone who may be involved when you achieve it (what you and others will gain, lose etc.) as well as how it will affect the world around you and beyond;
- explore and discover others’ perspectives (points of view) to understand what is needed to resolve a problem you may have with another person and what you can do to solve it;
- move forward when you feel ‘something’ is holding you back from achieving what you want;
- cure phobias;
- access a positive or resourceful state of mind or of being, whenever you want or feel you need it to empower you to take action;
- prepare yourself to be in the most resourceful and useful state for new situations and environments;
- explore and discover and rediscover resources you already have and are already using in other situations and aspects of your life and learn how to use them in any new situations or contexts to help you achieve what you want;
- model excellence in people who are achieving what you want and discover how they do it so you can have or create it for yourself too!
- explore a role in your life; e.g. who you are when you are in a specific role in your life such as…a student; a friend; a son/daughter; sister/brother; a mother/father; being an employee/self employed; being you…who are you? Which roles in your life do you like/dislike and/or want to change? How can you make those changes? …you can discover what it means to you to be you; how important it is to be you and not who others think and say you should be; how you can become who you want to be and be the best possible you in all your roles in your life, now and for the rest of your life…
Some NLP pre-suppositions (beliefs/principles) that the practitioner pre-supposes in order to support you to achieve your desired outcomes:
‘There is no failure only feedback.’
‘Every behaviour has a positive intention to the person creating that behaviour.’
‘If you carry on doing the same things you will get the same result.’
‘Your mind and your body are indivisible parts of the same system.’
‘You cannot not communicate.’
‘The map is not the territory.‘
If you would like to experience the power of NLP in your life and want a coaching session, please get in touch!