What is a sound meditation class?
This is often a group session that has a theme such as love, patience, or something else. I will start the session with some writings poems about the theme and then guide you through a mediation with my spoken voice and different sound healing instruments; such as gongs, Tibetan bowls, bells, chimes, drums and sometimes different nature sounds.
You will be sat or you can choose to lay down depending on the room, made comfortable and warm. During this mediation you will relax and explore different aspects of the theme that may enlighten you to new ideas, choices and opportunities that will enhance your experience of the specific theme being meditated upon. There will be a period of silence before the mediation comes to an end to allow your experience to integrate into your mind and body for processing.
You may or may not feel that you find answers to questions or problems immediately or during the class but this is normal and it is often later when we least expect it, that these appear to us.
Afterwards, you will be invited to drink some water and eat a snack (not provided, please bring our own – due to allergies etc.) and sit quietly or give some feedback about your experience.
You can also have this class as a 121 session.