Brain Gym® Education Kinesiology (Edu-K)

Movement for whole brain and body learning….

Brain Gym® is Edu-K’s movement program for enhancing the physical skills of learning in the areas of organisation, focus and communication.

It was developed by Paul E Dennison PhD and Gail Dennison in the mid 1980s. Paul was an educator with a background in Applied Neuroscience and Gail was an artist and movement educator with a background in Montessori education and natural vision improvement.

There are 26 Brain Gym® movements that encourage the development of the following main areas of the human experience:

  • the physical areas of learning – this term(for a concept unique to Edu-K) refers to the sensory motor mechanics behind each academic and cognitive skill.
  • self-regulation – the self care initiative, and self-direction that are best learned through movement and social interaction.
  • structured play – interactions with others or with objects in which a theme provides a creative context.
  • symbolic thinking – mental processing in which, by mastery of the coding words and images, concrete physical experience is represented
  • aesthetic appreciation  the perception of beauty and other sensory-emotional values experienced in such areas as nature, fine arts, and coordinated movement.

Reference: Dennison, Paul.E., & Gail E. 2010. Brain Gym® Teacher’s Edition. United States:Hearts at Play Inc., California.

Only licensed Brain Gym® facilitators can teach these 26 movements to parents and educators and use them in their work.

Caroline is a licensed Brain Gym® facilitator and uses these movements with her clients, offers workshops and the full 26 Movements ‘Teacher’s Edition’ Course.

If you would like to learn more about Brain Gym® and how it may enhance the learning of your child or the children you teach or your own, please contact Caroline today by

Telephone: +44 7711162122

